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[Clip] I was inspired yesterday...by a Pawn Shop. 0 Nathan 39826 11/01/2018 10:50 AM EDT
Nathan [Latest Reply]
The Gun Debate is about to Change in a big way. 7 Nathan 30482 10/06/2017 05:29 AM EDT
njillc [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Dear Huffington Post: Employers don't just see "higher cost" in new overtime regs. 0 Nathan 25396 11/21/2016 11:28 PM EST
Nathan [Latest Reply]
Trump has won, and the people have spoken. 6 Nathan 25710 11/15/2016 01:51 PM EST
bmwells62380 [Latest Reply]
Finally, someone actually does something about terrorism 8 Nathan 30762 08/30/2016 10:22 AM EDT
sknudson [Latest Reply]
Dear Nancy Duff Campbell...this is not a milestone. It's a disgrace 9 Nathan 23948 04/27/2016 09:04 AM EDT
Nathan [Latest Reply]
I like Iran - and you should too 1 Nathan 22130 04/16/2016 04:21 PM EDT
Nathan [Latest Reply]
Why Equal Pay Day (and everyone who writes about it except myself) is BS 4 Nathan 24048 04/14/2016 09:43 AM EDT
Nathan [Latest Reply]
Boston Globe publishes front page of post Trump election 2 Nathan 23020 04/10/2016 09:31 PM EDT
Nathan [Latest Reply]
Trump will lose election if nominated 3 Nathan 25833 04/09/2016 07:55 PM EDT
William Chandler [Latest Reply]
Just so we're clear, this is happening under Obama 2 Nathan 20776 04/09/2016 02:07 PM EDT
Nathan [Latest Reply]
Let's end terrorism. Pass it on. 7 Nathan 20930 03/24/2016 05:07 PM EDT
Nathan [Latest Reply]
How to lose a Republican in 3 Easy Steps 8 Nathan 24753 03/10/2016 04:56 PM EST
scottlseaton [Latest Reply]
Uber Drivers in Pakistan have to be taught NOT to sexually harass women 0 Nathan 21259 03/05/2016 08:42 PM EST
Nathan [Latest Reply]
I hate war, but I think it is necessary right now 1 Nathan 21074 03/04/2016 07:24 PM EST
camaro396 [Latest Reply]
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