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Forum Index » Special offers from RWS and The Inspector Services Group
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I'm on a yacht.

Joined: 10/27/2015 02:00 AM EDT
Messages: 65
Location: Green Valley, AZ

I definitely think on site reports are going to be a no- brainer because technology is going to make it so simple. Combine crawl bots, with drones, with body cam/record gear with thermal imagers all integrated with smart technology that will be recognizing possible defects as you walk the home, while building the report and simultaneously doing so by wirelessly communicating between all your inspection equipment. There will probably be at some point the ability to pull original build schematics, blueprints etc on the specific house you are inspecting, which will also be interconnected to compare what should be to what is. Also incorporating building reports or lack thereof for changes. Well, I could go on and on, but, yep, I believe it's coming. The faster technology develops, the faster technology develops if you follow me. Yes, I know this is an older post, but couldn't help myself.

Your home inspection should bring "Peace of Mind Protection Every Time!"

A. Carl Hamilton III
Preferred Landmark Home Services, LLC
Veteran owned home inspection service
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I'm on a yacht.

Joined: 10/27/2015 02:00 AM EDT
Messages: 65
Location: Green Valley, AZ

Also, I might add, this will also have on demand ability to consult a technical expert on the go when doubts arise about what you are seeing. There will be so much integration going on even Nathan will get more excited about it.

Your home inspection should bring "Peace of Mind Protection Every Time!"

A. Carl Hamilton III
Preferred Landmark Home Services, LLC
Veteran owned home inspection service
English or Spanish
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Forum Index » Special offers from RWS and The Inspector Services Group
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